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Künstler:innen der artothek berlin in der Janusz-Korczak Bibliothek:

artist talk mit Lindy Annis

Jan Gottschalk (Leiter des artspring berlin Festivals) und Marc Gröszer (Bildender Künstler) im Gespräch mit der Performance-Künstlerin Lindy Annis
Donnerstag, den 15.12.2022 um 19:30 Uhr


Simple Souls

Simple Souls

Lindy Annis hat an der New York University Experimentelles Theater studiert und lebt seit 1985 in Berlin. Ihre Arbeiten bewegen sich zwischen Musik, bildender Kunst, Theater und Literatur.

Annis hat zahlreiche Solostücke, Lecture-Performances, kooperative Bühnenprojekte wie auch interaktive, raumgreifende Installationen entwickelt und die Berliner Performance- und Theaterszene wesentlich geprägt. Ihre Arbeiten werden auf Theaterbühnen, in Ausstellungen oder öffentlichen Gebäuden präsentiert und sind von Tiefe wie auch von Humor geprägt. So verbindet Lindy Annis im Rahmen von ‚Body Archive' Performances mit ihrer bildnerischen Arbeit und entwickelt Objekte, Bronzen, Zeichnungen und raumgreifende Papierskulpturen.

In der Janusz-Korczak Bibliothek sind ab 15.12.2022 einige ihrer Werke zu sehen.



Lindy Annis was born in Newton, Massachusettes U.S.A. in 1960. She earned a Bachelors of Art from New York University after studying acting and drama at its Experimental Theater Wing. She is an artist who has worked in the forms of performance and theater, dance and visual art. She has written plays for young people, has acted as dramaturge for dance and performance productions as well as giving seminars to students at various universities.


Beginning in 1985 with her arrival in West Berlin, she created a string of diverse Short-Performances; choreographic and textural works based on minimal means – space, language and finance. These performances were seen during evenings arranged in a variety of venues of the walled city. Bars, galleries, apartments, theaters, ruins. The language was a laconic and simple English, reduced to essentials and understandable to the foreign audience. Her works were mostly solos, but in later years her collaboration with sound composers grew – Bob Rutman, Hans Peter Kuhn, Frieder Butzmann, Nicholas Bussmann as well as an extended dramaturgical exchange with Antonia Baehr.
Longer works for theater spaces followed, including literary and biographical subjects.


In 1990 – 1992 Annis created her Paternoster Trilogy. These three large, site-specific performance works used a specific vintage form of elevator which she found in the city. The chains of circulating open cabins transported Annis and her guest performers, composers, dancers, etc. past the viewers, who were seated on the consecutive floors of the three buildings – each year a new location. Artists and acteurs were invited to
participate in these works, the third expanded to a crew of over a hundred.


The Body Archive is a long-term project that Annis began in 2001. The terror attacks on New York’s World Trade Center coincided with her time as Artist-in Residence at the Podewil in Berlin. Her extended series is an investigation of emotional body gestures – their iconology in the western culture and the emotional memories the body holds as an archive for both contemporary and archaic emotion. This series has continued through performative chapters in its investigations throughout the ensuing years of invasions and attacks, fears, threats and chains of revenge and rage.


The Mirror of Simple Souls (2017) is both the youngest chapter of the Body Archive and her first sculptural installation. Hundreds of miniature human figures made of paper and thread come together in a large-format ensemble. This large hanging work cuts across the room in a floor-to-ceiling wall of gently moving forms. Both graceful and exposed, their individual rotation is set in motion by a light breath of wind or the passing-by of a gallery visitor.


Since then, Lindy Annis has expanded her practice to include other sculptural formats, generating a palate of objects concerning both human and natural figures as expressive bodies. The works are in paper, porcelain and bronze or as drawings, photographs, films and installations.
Lindy Annis uses the practice of investigation and research as an artistic resource. Influenced by art historians such as Aby Warburg, she collects images of the body and pose from the archaic through antique, in art and current media as well as life on the street. She uses her own body as both oberservation subject and hypothesis guinea pig.

Lindy Annis

Portrait von Lindy Annis im Tagesspiegel

artothek berlin

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Susanne Gupta